Hello, I’m Bob Vaughan, and this is my website. I initiated its creation a few years ago, curating approximately 200 cream-of-the-crop articles on alternative medicine. Here, you’re bound to discover topics that resonate with you, unveiling fresh avenues to embrace wellness.
I’ve devised a plan to ensure the site’s consistent updates, as alternative medicine stands as both my passion and, at times, my vocation. I specialize as a professional electromagnetic field home inspector. You can explore more on this subject at my other website, http://www.altermedicine.org, where a wealth of information regarding electromagnetic high and low-frequency fields is available. I invite you to explore both of my sites, a promise of enjoyment awaits.
Your presence is sincerely cherished, and I extend my heartfelt wishes for your well-being and good fortune.
Warm regards,
Bob Vaughan Morr
Healthcare practices categorized as alternative may differ in their historical origin, theoretical basis, diagnostic technique, therapeutic practice and in their relationship to the medical mainstream.