Homeopathic Medicine – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Homeopathic Medicine?
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that can be used to treat a wide variety of illnesses. It is based on two primary beliefs: the Law of Similars and the infinitesimal dose.
Law of Similars: Instead of looking at the symptoms of illness as undesirable, Homeopathy sees them as signs of the body attempting to heal itself. Therefore, instead of suppressing symptoms, homeopaths give remedies that would cause the same symptoms in a healthy person to stimulate the body’s own restorative mechanisms.

Infinitesimal Dose: Homeopathy is also considered a pharmaceutical science. Its substances are made from plants, minerals, animals or chemicals and are diluted carefully in alcohol or water to reach a dose that is up to one part in one million. Small globules of sugar are saturated in the liquid dilution and given to the patient.

Treatment in Homeopathy focuses on a person’s Total Symptom Picture, not only the disease they are suffering from. What this means, is that two people suffering from the same condition can be given two different remedies and treatment plans. This is because each person is treated as a whole, and not as a machine made up of separate parts.

What is ‘Classical’ Homeopathy, and how does it differ from ‘Modern’ Homeopathy?

Classical homeopathy is the type of homeopathy taught by its founder Dr. Hahnemann who claimed that at any given time only one remedy should be given to the patient, the one that has the greatest similarity to his disease. This process of finding the correct remedy is very tedious and requires a lot of search on the part of the physician. But if it is found the therapeutic results are impressive and satisfying. If this unique remedy cannot be found for this patient the results are from zero to a small amelioration of the condition. So many homeopaths who do not know what remedy to prescribe or do not have the time to take a proper case and search and study it they may give three four or up to twenty remedies hoping that the right one could be within these remedies. This is a type of homeopathy that is not classical and of course does not give the result that the correct remedy should have given.

What kind of diseases can Homeopathy cure?
Classical Homeopaths should be able to treat all acute diseases and also chronic degenerative conditions but in their starting in their beginning stages. Once chronic conditions have reached their final stage homeopathy can do very little for such patients.

What are Homeopathic Remedies?
They are very diluted substances of usually natural elements from vegetable, mineral and animal kingdom. All Homeopathic Remedies are prepared in contemporary pharmaceutical industries in a special way which we call potentization.

How does a Homeopathic Remedy affect the organism?
It acts in such a way as to strengthen, to enhance the natural defenses of the organism.

Are the Homeopathic Remedies dangerous?
Because they are highly diluted they are not dangerous but still the wrong remedy can have some -though minor -side effects.

Are Homeopathic Remedies addictive?
Not at all.

What are the side-effects of the Homeopathic Remedies?
They can modify the ailment, for instance, they can remove a headache which is on the right side to the left side – if the remedy is not the correct one.

Is it nessesary to experience aggravated symptoms for the Remedies to be effective?

This is happening frequently but not always. The more the pathology of the case the greater the initial aggravation. Functional problems usually have minor aggravations that are not even perceptible.

Is it possible to take two or more different Homeopathic Remedies at the same time?
This is wrong and can only be allowed when the patient’s life is in danger and the physician is not sure about the correct remedy.

How must the Homeopathic Remedies be stored?
In a dry place away from the sun and strong perfumes. Not in refrigerators.

How much do the Homeopathic Remedies cost compated to allopathic (chemical) drugs?
Much less.

How long does Homeopathic treatment last?
This is difficult to tell but as a rule we can say that for every year of suffering it will take one month of treatment.

Should a patient continue Homeopathic treatment indefinitely?
No. Must stop as soon as he feels quite well.

What happens if there is a problem during the course of the treatment?
This acute must be treated homeopathic ally as well if possible. Conventional drugs should be avoided as long as the patient’s health is not in danger.

What is the effect of taking both Homeopathic Remedies and allopathic (chemical) medication?

This can happen but the effect of the homeopathic remedy is extremely minimized and has to be repeated more frequently.

Is it possible to combine Homeopathic treatment with other kinds of medical treatment?
Yes, with all free of drug treatments.

Is it possible for a patient to experience regression after a Homeopathic treatment?
Not because of a correct treatment. If the remedy is not correct the disease will surely progress.


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