Look at my guns, Tony Horton is the man

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I really see some improvements, all those pushups in P90X3 did the trick. My guns are much more visible then before. I can do 10 pushups without and trouble at all. You really have more strenght if you do P90X3.

I just took this pic of my right arm, there is a noticable difference I think from before. I think P90X3 is something that will stick with me. It is really a good workout and includes Yoga too, that I love. I mean look at Tony Horton, he is like a god at 55 years old. Look at his muscles. His hair is another topic, he claims he does not dye his hair… I mean who would believe him. But his muscles.

Having more muscles is much more attractive to girls for sure. I mean you have better chance getting laid with toned muscular body than with fat blubber around your waist. I never had muscles at the bottom of my biceps. I got this with P90X3…

Or maybe I am just imagining? I am finishing BLOCK 3 soon, so I will finish 90 days doing P90X3 in 2 weeks. I am looking forward to do more P90X3…


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