Results Before After After 90 Days P90X3

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OK here are my results. Looking at the front shots ther is not so much difference. But looking at side shot, you can see my belly is much smaller. I guess there is where all the fat is stored. I feel much better. When I started P90X3 three months ago, I was obese. I am still fat. I have never had so much weight in my life. I did not work out for one year and I just ballooned up. I am vegan, but still fat. Who says all vegans are lean?

I feel I can move much better. Having 113 kilos is horrible for your body. You can hardly move, imagine people being morbidly obese.

Beside P90X3 I used also Faster EFT tapping, which I am a certified practitioner. Tapping helped if I felt I was too lazy to workout. SO I tapped and it worked. I missed only 1 workout in 90 days. That is persistence.

I am still losing weight. It is not all because of P90X2, but I would say 70%. I eat pretty much the same food. I ditched 2 bars of vegan chocolate per week. That is it. And the weight is going down really quickly. I was 113 kilos 3 months ago, now I am 106, 105, it depends.

30 minutes is really not a lot of time. But doing 1 hour per day, that would be hard for me. Tony Horton is a smart guy, putting such great exercises together. I applaud him. I even eat cookies not sometimes, that my mom bakes. And some sweets, and still lose weight. Before I avoided al sweets. I also eat some icecream, here and there. And of course, eating as much as possible raw ice cream all the time.

For now, I am very satisfied with everything. I can eat almost all I want and still lose weight. But I see that I am not so hungry anymore. Food is not so important anymore for me.

SO here are the shots, before and after so you can judge.

Please comment, I would love to hear what you think

Sending love to you

after-90-days-p90x3 after-90-days-sdeways-p90x3

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