ddp vs p90x3

Switched from DDP Yoga To P90X3

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I have been doing DDP yoga now for several months. I did at least 3 to 4 times per week. But haven’t lost any weight. I became more flexible, tha tis for sure. But I wanted to loose weight. THat was my primary goal.

And I am vegan, so my diet is very clean, 50% raw at least.

At the end I was doing full 55 minutes workout of DDP Yoga. IT was exhausting but I made it through. 55 minutes seem alot, but you forget about the time. And you sweat a lot. The sweating begins at 30 minutes. Like all the pores open up.

If I could loose any weight I would still be doing it.

So I switched to popular P90X3 workout with Tony Horton.

I completed the first week. I did not loose any weight, but P90X3 is so more versatile. DDP yoga is just yoga on steroids.

Today I just finished P90X3 yoga for the fist time. Only 30 minutes, I was able to finish it with no pause, because of previous DP yoga. I can say P90X3 yoga is much easier. With DDP you test your strength because of slow movements, slow push-ups and stuff.

But here P90X3 just uses totally regular yoga moves and no slow moves at all. So it is much easier.

I wonder how will I manage to loose any weight with P90X3, it is only 30 minutes a day.

I really hope this will work for me. I am tired of being 240 pounds. SIck and tired already. In the last 10 years I have been struggling with weight. Now I am at the top, 240 pounds, or 110 kilos, that is too much.

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  1. I did P90X3 and did see results after the first couple of weeks, but had to stop doing it because of the pounding movements on my joints in some of the exercises and all the heavy weights were a bit too much. My joints are not the best so this is where I noticed it the most.

    I “downgraded” to Piyo – something I had done before and had seen pretty good results. Back on it for a week now and seeing the love handles melt off already and muscles all sore from the slow yoga-like movements. But bored of it having done it for a while before so I started checking out DDP yoga after coming across it in a YouTube video. Sounds like a good alternative: no heavy weights (just body weight) and yoga hybrid for good stretches.

    About the weight part. Being vegan doesn’t mean your diet is necessarily “clean” as you put it. My wife was on a vegan diet for a while and she did not lose any weight from that. In most of the cases, the culprit is the simple carbs like pasta, rice, bread, etc… Those spike your insulin levels and then everything goes goes kaboom. DDP yoga sounds a lot harder than Piyo and having lost weight with just Piyo combined with reduced carb diet, I can safely guess that I’ll lose even more weight with DDP yoga. And I’d urge you to try cutting out the simple carbs like I did. You can still have a “cheat day” once a week and load up on the carbs; it’s actually strongly recommended you do to help reset the body chemistry and fat burning capabilities.

    Not all carbs are bad. Those from vegetables and other sources (complex carbs) are fine that take a while to turn into sugar in the body. It’s the simple carbs that breakdown too fast and turn into sugar in the body that causes people to retain the weight. If you’re eating a lot of these carbs, then you’ll hardly lose any weight no matter what exercise you do… well, unless you’re doing extreme kind of exercises I suppose, but that’s not how I want to spend my waking hours.

    Cheers and best wishes!

  2. You’ll start to see results after a couple of weeks. I’m starting my 2nd month of P90X3 (I also switched from DDP to P90X3) and I’m down almost 10 pounds and can see some muscle tone starting to show. It’s a melting pot of various activities. The Agility workout will kick your butt, as will the Accelerator and Pilates. The Yoga I think is the easiest workout of the bunch. Just wait until you get to that 2nd month, he really ramps up the intensity. Good luck. I also suggest joining the Team Beachbody website and getting a free coach to help you along.

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